How well are your emotional needs being met?

Nature has programmed all of us with physical and emotional needs that cannot be avoided. How stressed we are depends on how well those needs are being met now, and how well we deal with the situation when they are not being met.
Rate, in your judgement, how well the following emotional needs are being met in your life today, on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means not met at all and 7 means being very well met...
How do your scores look?
If your scores are mostly low, you are more likely to be suffering stress symptoms. If any need is scored 3 or less this is likely to be a major stressor for you. Even if only one need is marked very low it can be enough of a problem to seriously affect your mental and emotional stability.
Stress, anxiety, anger, depression and addiction are the result of our innate needs not being met, either due to environmental factors, harmful conditioning or misuse of imagination, (worrying). People should not have mental health problems when their innate needs are being met in balanced, healthy ways.
By highlighting areas in your life where your essential needs are not being met as well as they could be, you can use this questionnaire to help you think constructively about how your life could be improved. If you feel you want to discuss how hypnotherapy could help you achieve those improvements, then please do contact me.
Sharon Dyke
HPD, CBT (Hyp), SFBT (Hyp), SFBT Sup (Hyp), HG Dip, Cert Ed.
T: 07766 250 113 E: