Sharon Dyke, Hypnotherapist in Taunton
Sharon Dyke
Solution Focused Hypnotherapist in Taunton
T: 07766 250 113

Research into Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

Heres what the AfSFH has to say:

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFH)

Here you can find out about what Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is and how it works.

I will be updating this page over time, with information about research into clinical hypnotherapy. In the meantime, here are some useful resources if you would like to do further reading:

If you would like to book a consultation to discuss how I can help you, then please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Sharon Dyke, Solution Focused Hypnotherapist in Taunton
Sharon Dyke HPD, CBT (Hyp), SFBT (Hyp), SFBT Sup (Hyp), HG Dip, Cert Ed.
T: 07766 250 113   E: